Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ryan & Emily
The N.Y. Times calls it sensational. Washington Post called it a timeless classic. The Happy Land Gazette Said “It’s a movie for anyone who wants to get lost in a beautiful story, for anyone who believes romance is still alive on film.”
Corey Anderson, the top critic and writer for the Happy Land Gazette wrote:
“Ryan & Emily is the story of a boy from the poor side of the ditch who – predictably – falls for a beautiful girl down the street. What is not so predictable is how far she'll go to prove they were meant to be together….Ryan & Emily is a gentle romantic tale in the midst of blockbuster action films and goofball comedies”

Read the full review at

Now for your viewing pleasure Ryan & Emily (click play to watch)

Bonus features and behind the scenes interviews.


Megan said...

Funny stuff! I loved the video editing, that was very cool. Especially Michael Buble! Love the music selections. Good job you too. Keep up the updating! Love ya.

HG said...

Congratulations on you wedding Ryan. Hope you two have fun.