Monday, December 21, 2009

Well sorry we have not written for a while. Ryan is supposed to update it since he has more time but he never does and says that i need to. So here we are, our last post was in JULY!!! But anyways, things have been going great. After the last post, we moved back to Albuquerque for Ryan to continue with school. He really enjoys school and his classmates are fun. I got my old job back and am loving it. I love everyone i work with! We were able to spend time in Utah for thanksgiving with Ryan's family. It was fun to see all his extended family members up in Bountiful, Utah with his grandpa. All the little kids are getting bigger and a couple of new babies have been born recently. Recently Ryan finished his third to last semester of school and we drove to Kansas to be with my family for Christmas. Hopefully we will be able to spend a couple weeks here, sadly it is up to my boss in Albuquerque. So hopefully we got everyone caught up on what is going on in our lives and my new year goal is to be better at writing more often. Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family elsewhere and have a great new year! Love ya!

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