Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our almost 2 year anniversary

Ryan and I are coming up on our 2 year anniversary. I can believe it has been that long all ready but we have had some great times. Like moving to Albuquerque, spending time with family for holidays, surprise trips to Kansas and the list could go on and on. I want to express to Ryan how much I love and adore him. I am so grateful that I married my best friend for time and all eternity. He has helped me become a better person. He teaches me about the gospel and he can answer any question I have about the scriptures. I am also very grateful for our parents. They raised us in the gospel and they were great examples. Both Steve and Jeanne and my parents show us what a perfect marriage is, yes parents fight but they always make up and still love each other. I know I can be grouchy sometimes but Ryan always makes me feel better by making me laugh. Thank you Ryan for loving me and supporting me. I am grateful your my husband and best friend. Love you always and forever.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Move on over

Albuquerque+2 years+small apartment.
All this equals to us moving to a new place.  We finally out grew our 520 sq. ft. apartment and were ready to move a little bigger place.  We will really miss the Haines Ward, we love all the people there, and hope we all keep hanging out.

Old Place- goodbye

New Place

Memorial Day Surprise!

This past weekend, we went to Kansas to spend time with our family. I did not know of the trip till 2:00pm when Ryan came and picked me up. For the past several weeks, I have asked him over and over again if we can go to Kansas for Memorial day. Over and over again he said it was too far or not enough time so i dropped the subject and left it alone. So i get dropped off at work on Friday and when he comes and gets me, I notice in the back of the car a pillow and my favorite BYU blanket. I asked him if we were going camping, on a picnic or whatever. That's when he told me that he has to decided to drive to Kansas and if i needed anything at home. I told him no and we were on our way. So i cryed with excitement and then smacked him for lying to me. I called my family who knew that we were coming for about a week. I was so happy! On our way back we stopped at this one place called Cadillac Ranch, which is a field with about 10 cars sticking up in the ground (refer to picture) Thanks for the fun weekend Mom and Dad! And thank you Ry for the surprise!